Monday, March 30, 2020

Lament Can Be Healing

We enter the world with a cry of protest and we don’t stop crying after birth. To cry is to be human.  The Apostle Paul shares in Romans 8.22 that even the creation groans because of a world infected by brokenness.  Sorrow is a part of the human experience.

The other day my Canadian friend, Pastor Matthew Brough posted a good video giving people permission to “feel how you actually feel” and remember that there is a God who is with us and loves us dearly.  

The Bible talks about people of faith as having their own unique way to express our sorrow called lament.  Over a third of the Psalms are laments as is the entire book of Lamentations.  Lament is a form of prayer that shares the pain we are experiencing with a trustworthy God.  In lament we cast our fears, anxieties, frustrations and sorrows on a God who is big enough, loving enough to take it.  

Read Psalm 13 which has the 4 essential elements of lament:

  1. Turn to God.
  2. Bring Your Complaint.
  3. Ask For Help.
  4. Chose To Trust. 

Lament is one of our prayer languages.  To cry is human….to lament is to cry out as a person of faith.  

Creating A Lament Bulletin Board:

So what are your laments during this unique time of crisis?  

  1. Use the comments section below or find this on our Facebook page to create a Lightshine Church Lament Bulletin Board.  And together we will hold each other in prayer!

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