We enter the world with a cry of protest and we don’t stop crying after birth. To cry is to be human. The Apostle Paul shares in Romans 8.22 that even the creation groans because of a world infected by brokenness. Sorrow is a part of the human experience.
The other day my Canadian friend, Pastor Matthew Brough posted a good video giving people permission to “feel how you actually feel” and remember that there is a God who is with us and loves us dearly.
The Bible talks about people of faith as having their own unique way to express our sorrow called lament. Over a third of the Psalms are laments as is the entire book of Lamentations. Lament is a form of prayer that shares the pain we are experiencing with a trustworthy God. In lament we cast our fears, anxieties, frustrations and sorrows on a God who is big enough, loving enough to take it.
Read Psalm 13 which has the 4 essential elements of lament:
- Turn to God.
- Bring Your Complaint.
- Ask For Help.
- Chose To Trust.
Lament is one of our prayer languages. To cry is human….to lament is to cry out as a person of faith.
Creating A Lament Bulletin Board:
So what are your laments during this unique time of crisis?
- Use the comments section below or find this on our Facebook page to create a Lightshine Church Lament Bulletin Board. And together we will hold each other in prayer!